Potential Building Site (with no PP) For Sale
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c. 2.4 acre development site (coloured orange on the slideshow plan) situated within the settlement limit of the village of Seaforde and fronting the main A24 Belfast to Newcastle Road. The picturesque village of Seaforde is a small settlement in Co. Down 8 miles north of Newcastle and 20 miles south of Belfast. The site is on the main Newcastle to Belfast bus route and is within easy commutable distance of Belfast.
Address | 200 Newcastle Road, Seaforde |
Status | Sold |
Land type | Building Site |
Planning | No Planning Permission |
Size | 2.4 acres |
(These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. None of the statements contained in these particulars are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact and any intending purchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. The Vendor does not make or give and neither T.L Graham & Son nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. Please note that we have not tested the services or systems in this property. Purchasers should make/commission their own inspections if they feel it is necessary. Photographs are reproduced for general information and it must not be inferred that any item is included for sale with the property. (NB. All measurements are approximate).
Auctioneers Comments:
This property is for sale under Traditional Auction terms. Should you view, offer or bid on the property, your information will be shared with the Auctioneer, iamsold.
With this auction method, an immediate exchange of contracts takes place with completion of the purchase required to take place within 28 days from the date of exchange of contracts.
The buyer is also required to make a payment of a non-refundable, part payment 10% Contract Deposit to a minimum of £6,000.00.
In addition to their Contract Deposit, the Buyer must pay an Administration Fee to the Auctioneer of 1.80% of the final agreed sale price including VAT, subject to a minimum of £2,400.00 including VAT for conducting the auction.
Buyers will be required to go through an identification verification process with iamsold and provide proof of how the purchase would be funded.
Terms and conditions apply to the traditional auction method and you are required to check the Buyer Information Pack for any special terms and conditions associated with this lot.
The property is subject to an undisclosed Reserve Price with both the Reserve Price and Starting Bid being subject to change.
Site is situated on the Newcastle Road in the village of Seaforde Co. Down
028 4372 2407